

truth of poetry


spoken word

Heaven stops the take

10,000 bound

20,000 found

30,000 sound an alarm to start the hunt in these hallow grounds

This palace of ivory 

Carve’d from hungry slaves 

Mounted on a holy well, and 3 witches placed  a spell

So all that pass by, walk into hell 


2,000 bells ring 

3,000 long lasting chimes

4,000 brilliant candles, lining the path to hell 

The blind, the mute, the lame have all found hell 

They will tell this tale 

in a fashionable way, They hail 

for the boat men, his dog wielding the devils 6 tales 

Dance with the devil 

When the levee breaks 

Heaven will stop this take…………Fade to black, Cut to edit and Throw away 

Dancing all day 

Running all night 

Bet the gallows sway 

Let the blood drip bright 

As Heaven Stops This Take 

Silver salvation. ( the next track by Dorian Grey)



check ‘er out!!!

(the link will appear with a closer look)


There was a time when being alone, was having her beside you

Relax’d in each others embrace, presence and passions

Scaling the walls, Did our love bleed, Ascending towards the heavens of Zeus, Jesus, Buddha and all the other black nameless God’s of our time


Her kiss, Burn’d onto my lips

How I miss, Holding onto her hips

Pure bliss, on the rose tips

Dancing amiss, in the garden of pips


Dreams weave’d from reality

(since reality has now trump’d Surreality)

Her skin soft, satin and colour’d with a dark silk

Dancing in the rain

Dripping with passion

Desire for beauty

Deep, Dark eyes piercing toward the devils “good side”

Starring down the world

Tearing down the walls

Bearing the falls



Angels we have heard on high 

Sweetly sings her beautiful lullaby 

and the mountains in reply, echo in a joyful sing 




poetry found on AMAZON!!

elected endeavours of emperors just some great poetry




he had spoken


the jester said in compliance


not to be roped in


to never be fined

socialize, romanticize, problemize all your thoughts to compromise to hollywood


calling cards                                                                          lost and found

falling hard towards a plate of knives                                     toss’d and bound

a bed of nails to treat those hives                                         Boss’d the sound

a ghost for alive lives                                                          held around the sound that was found

a special, half off any dive                                                  in a tightly bound envelop

cascading down to find a sound and carrie frowned on TV


goodbye to all the stars

hello to the fans afar

and we can find the only time to scar

up in the sky with a silver lining in the dive bars


beer cans, whiskey hands, bottles laying on stands, dreaming of far off lands

as we play out the bands


Stunnin’ as always

Tattoo’d, line’d & Accentin’ the curves of her hips 

Colours invade an already stunning spectrum of beauty, shadin’ in with soft lips & captivatin’ eyes

(windows to a soul that lights the darkest of nights)

Skin so soft 

( what had started as white as snow now has a hue of sun, addin’ maturity to a definin’ Angel)

Cascading hair 

Dark carmel hair flows down her shoulders sealing her décolletage

(framed into becoming a picture that even the sunrise is frail to look upon)

Stunning  – An epic portrait for a demon to awake to!

Long legs lead you to her breathe taking smile

( every part captivatin’ and Intriguin’)

Elegant, Flaw’d in all the perfect ways 

Hauntin’ to the touch 

Delicious to the taste 

Stunnin’ as always!!



the link below will bring you from below to above in spoken word

Sticks and stones

sticks and stones may break my bones
but I always will be true
you might not find the prove in it…….but I’m still in love with you

Coffee shops and biscuits
conversations over due….this place I will sit and be with you

cause the sun won’t rise without your smile and the doves won’t sing their tune
but tonight I’m asleep like a babe in arms…all cuddle close to you

Ill take you out and boast to them
beggars will always want food
even the thorn on the rose stem, will always remind me of home….like you do
with all I need
your all I need
all and only you


Listen to what I’m saying
every scene you will see is part, hand in hand with the seven seas
sweetly adrift in a swarm of sirens

a scorn to the chest and your entering the sirens nest confess to all this slander in scandal

surrounded by songs sung by the angels that we hear singing the song sung by king david
when he saw his siren in the shimmering light of the moon
as it shown down on her silhouette in a shine so bright
that the light stepped down and kneeled on her shoulders
Traveling the seven seas in search of sanctuary form the storm
with safety in sight with these scars on this ship
we all fall to the depths of the sea
find davy jones and hunt for this siren, scorn to slave hearts
striking lust into the stained hands of the sea
and find satan sitting on a stool signing the dotted line
so many times security failed
so I say ladies stay away
secretly seeking serpents sickness, slither sideways swaying silently and so far sneaky
scared sacred scenes, saw stayed stowed ships sink slowly shaking sirens singing songs of sad sighs, sights and sounds
and with this sinister smile on the cheshire cats face
this silent cynical sermon will show the slightest advance of simplified systems of seduction

since time stopped of started
space and son have spun out of the surrounding surface and started a sirens solitude of solitary sentencing
stoop into a stew of scarf ice and searching for
some venom
some vices
snakes, serpents, smoke and smog
surround this space
slight of hand is slippery slimy and spoken in hush songs
some evil
some sin
sensual, sexual, skin, sex
single the sex in sinful satin
storing the subdued stories of scars
stained in the bed
starting to see the slight sight of light
searching for the sabre and signalling her to start slicing the seven sins
into a shattered mirror of society

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