

truth of poetry


October 2015

Gods of our time

Kick start this heat wave and create an evolution
Like the Genesis
Pull the trigger and bleed the revolution
Like the walls of Jericho
Watch until his feet stop kicking
Her lips dripping with blood
As her tongue starts licking
As the walls, covered in blood start sticking
This is the scene for the masses
False hood and Hollywood taught in classes
Reality is still only a scene through each different glasses
Stand fierce against the current
Trends and faux pas of this so called “peaceful, intelligent society”
Oh Hollywood and false hoods….
The gods of our time

Poetry – Recipe for Anarchy

Here lies a beautiful website/blog.
‘recipe for anarchy’ has everything.. Reviews of poets and poetry. Recipes for all your needs and wants.

This link is a review of my book release.
These words are touching. To have a another artist speak of a poet with praise.
This is why i write….so others may find their muse!!!

Thanks for the kind words “recipeforanarchy”

Eternity and evermore

1 year
365 days
With hand in hand walking in the rain
With some pain but a truly beautiful gain
As we painted the town red stain
This love will be sustain for all to see
This fame
We all call love!!!
This song of the morning dove
A blessing from above
All in her eyes is love
For eternity  and ever more

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